Are you looking at getting a new WEBSITE done or revamping your current one?
Do you know what you need to have ready BEFORE you start?

​Are you clear on your BRANDING?
Do you know your website PURPOSE?
Do you know your website STYPE?
Do you know what platform is going to work best for YOUR needs?Do you know where the best place is to get your DOMAIN NAME?Do you know how to write your content?
Do you know where to source images? What size images are best for web?
Do you know about Copyright (including AI and font licenses)?
Do you know what alt tags are?
Do you know what is LEGALLY REQUIRED for a website?
Do you know anything about SEO?
Do you have a DEADLINE LAUNCH?
Do you know how long it's going to take?
Do you know how much it's going to cost? (both DIY or paying a professional)
Do you know HOW to find the right designer for YOU?
Well, all this is going to be covered in our Website Prep 101 Webinar. Plus you receive a 50-page workbook full of comprehensive information!
Scan the QR code or click here to get your ticket.
Wanderlust Design - the WiX Fixer!
Stuck with the WiX Editor?
If you do get stuck or are unsure how to navigate the WiX editor, we also offer online WiX training - one hour $150.00
We cover the basics plus whatever else you want to know
The session is recorded on Zoom and the recording is then sent to you for future reference