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Paula Johnson


A strong desire or impulse to travel & explore the world...

Wanderlust Design feather logo

You may wonder what WANDERLUST has to do with websites and design? There are two reasons I chose this name...


​1. I'm a WANDERLUSTER - I LOVE to travel! To experience that gorgeous feeling of waking up somewhere new and unknown, exploring new cultures and landscapes and developing wonderful connections with new people. It's one of the reasons I started this business... so I can travel and take my work with me!


​2. When people are wandering the Internet looking for products and services, they are looking for connection, something that stands out from the crowd... that website that speaks to them and says, "Here I am, you've found me!" When they feel that connection - that website that catches their eye, that provides the information they need and is easy to navigate, then they will connect and enquire.​

And that's where I come in...


I help you create a beautiful, easy-to-navigate website you're proud of. A website that showcases YOU and your business so people feel that connection and take the next step...

Paula Johnson at Ganung Kawi, Bali

Meet Your Designer


Creative Wanderluster...

I was born an adventurous spirit - always seeking, exploring, learning, growing. Right from a young age I was always making things with my hands, exploring my neighbourhood (often without mum knowing where I was) and dreaming and playing through my vivid imagination.


I'm drawn to things alternative, vintage, boho and downright quirky.
Over 40 years of my working life was spent in admin/finance roles where I learnt many great skills that have brought me to this beautiful creative opportunity now.

So, who are you working with?

I am blessed to live in the beautiful Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. I'm a bit of a reptile in that I need warmth and sunshine to be truly happy!


I am an ‘attention to detail’ person (perfectionist!) and have an eye for seeing where something is not balanced, whether that be numbers, words or aesthetically.


I am also a qualified massage, Bowen and Bodhypnosis® practitionerpublished author and Professional House Sitter. I'm a Crazy Cat Lady who is easily led astray with good coffee, dark chocolate and mojito's.


​Travel feeds my soul. Born an adventurous spirit, I love the experience of exploring new places.


​I am most fulfilled when helping others and love seeing the absolute joy and delight on my clients faces when I've finished their website and they can't wait for it to go's so exciting - for everyone! 


​Oh, and I dabble in photography...


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