Wanderlust Design is known as the WiX Fixer. Why? Because invariably clients that go down the DIY route get to the stage where they know their site needs a more professional edge, or it just isn't performing as it should.

Unless you know the ins and outs of website design, DIY can generally only get you so far. Most people go the DIY route to save costs when they are starting out, which is understandable, but considering your website is your online shop front where people are going to be deciding in SECONDS if you have what they want... you're at risk of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Created well, your website should bring you sales. It's not something that is an afterthought. It's a primary piece of your business and potential client market. Done badly, you are going to put people off as they can tell you're being 'cheap' and aren't professional, meaning they are unlikely to go further than a three second glance at your site.
DIY Website Renovations - Upgrade your DIY Website
Wanderlust Design loves doing WiX DIY website renovations! It's a bit like doing a renovation on your home. Replacing worn and torn wallpaper with something modern and fresh or adding a new coat of paint. You can see where you've been. It's very rewarding.
WiX Website Renovation Case Study
Sylvester and Kathryn of Cha-Boba Bubble Tea Supplies were looking for a renovation on their DIY WiX site. Kathryn had put something together to get them going while the business was young but they soon realised it wasn't cutting it, so turned to Wanderlust Design for help.
Pages that were revamped completely were the Home page (the shop front), About page, and the Shop items put into categories for ease of customer experience.
The before and after images of the Home page speak for themselves:
Not only that, but their organic reach has increased considerably because the site is now SEO optimised and connected to Google. Something many DIY owners don't know how to do or even know it's required to have a fully functioning website.
Within 28 days they received 300 clicks on Google which has increased their business considerably, and it's still growing!

Needless to say, Sylvester and Kathryn are over the moon with their fresh new site and the results in increased sales! Moral of the story? Getting your website looking professional and having the back end set up correctly does make an impact! So, do you DIY and take the risk of losing sales, or do you find a way to pay a professional to do it properly from the beginning... that's for you to decide, but you know where to come for help - the WiX Fixer. Upgrade your DIY website now, Sylvester and Kathryn are sure glad they did:
